useMemo and useCallback beyond the basics

September 20, 2021 — 2 min read

useMemo and useCallback beyond the basics

Keeping the Reference

When we use the useMemo and useCallback hooks we have a behavior that help us not to cause loops in dependencies, because they both keep the same reference from when declared even when the values change.

If you don’t understand much about non-primitive object references, I recommend reading this other article where I comment more on assignment by value and reference.

Avoiding variable recreation

The React hooks’ dependency array does a `shallow’ comparison, that is, it only checks if a primitive value has changed or if the reference of a non-primitive value has changed, so hooks keeping the reference is something that that makes all the difference, as in the following example that enters both the part of recreating the function only when the value changes and also a side effect of the side effect of the component without the hook having the internal state change whenever the when the parent component undergoes a rerender.

In this example we have a counter in the parent component that starts at 0, in the child In the child components we have an internal counter for each, +1 is added on the first render and also when the also when the counter for the parent component is added, +1 is added to the children. We can see a side effect in the component without useCallback that the counter is added when an unrelated state of the parent component triggers a rerender, so the function in this child’s dependency array is recreated with another another reference making the useEffect run again.

Beware of loops

Loops inside useEffect in React are very common cases and many of them can be can be solved just by using the useMemo or useCallback hooks, because by keeping the reference useEffect will only be executed again if any of the values in the dependency array of these hooks change.

In the example we have a function simulating an API call, one option would be to remove the fetchData function from the useEffect dependency array, or if the function is used only in it we can declare it inside the useEffect itself, but instead of using instead of using these options, we can simply declare the function in a useCallback, then the call will only happen if the function is recreated from the useCallback dependency array. dependency array, so we also have to be careful not to add a dependency to useCallback. add a dependency to useCallback that causes a loop.

Note: I created a value with useRef so that the loop would be limited to 200 and not crash the example.

The importance of references

As I said before, it is good to be careful with references if you want to keep renderings under control, this is for both memoization and performance.

Here is an example showing two components that receive almost the same data but one of them receives it without hooks and by any update has its props changed because the prop reference has changed.


The more complex examples I presented as examples with useCallback are also useful for useMemo. One rule that I think is valid is, if a value or function is going to be passed by props to another component examine well, because it will probably it will probably be interesting to use one of these two hooks.

And finally, I recommend reading this article by Kent C. Dodds where he comments on the use of these two hooks.

André Zagatti

Frontend software engineer who likes to share knowledge.

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